The Missing Piece

Individual Stories, Collective Impact.

The Missing Piece

Individual Stories, Collective Impact.
About the campaign.

About the campaign.

In the puzzle of healthcare, every piece plays a pivotal role. Pathology technology enables better and quicker diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Together, our voices can unlock the missing piece. Together we can champion universal access to the best innovations science can offer.

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The Missing Piece

Individual Stories, Collective Impact.

The Missing Piece

Individual Stories, Collective Impact.
Watch the campaign video

Watch the campaign video

Watch and share the stories that drive this campaign, and help us to understand why our work is so important.

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The Missing Piece

Individual Stories, Collective Impact.
Why is pathology technology so important?

Why is pathology technology so important?

Access to pathology technology enables our healthcare system to be more preventative, personalised, and patient-centered – helping to tackle many of Australia’s pressing health challenges, particularly across infectious, cancer, rare and chronic diseases.

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In the puzzle of healthcare, access to pathology technology is often the missing piece

Together, we can ensure no piece remains missing in our healthcare system.

Professor Elgene Lim
Medical oncologist and researcher

Why is Pathology Technology So Important?
Access to pathology technology enables our healthcare system to be more preventative, personalised, and patient-centered – helping to tackle many of Australia’s pressing health challenges, particularly across infectious, cancer, rare and chronic diseases.

Pathology Applications

Predict susceptibility to disease

Prevent disease by identifying risk factors in patients that can be modified

Diagnose many diseases. For cancer, every case is diagnosed by pathology

Determine patient prognosis

Identify the presence or absence of infection

Monitor disease, identifying whether treatments work or should be adjusted or avoided

Personalise treatment to get the best result

Watch Our Missing Piece Campaign Video

Missing Piece Lung Cancer

Missing Piece Pre-eclampsia

Ray Kelly – 2 Deadly 4 Diabetes

Prof Paul Griffin – Syndromic testing

Dr. Brett Abbenbroek – Sepsis Australia

Stephen Wong – Lung Cancer

Missing Piece –  Gynaecological Cancer

Missing Piece Breast Cancer

Help us to unlock the missing piece in healthcare: Pathology Technology.

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